Books and Book Chapters
Jurkowski, E.T. & Guest, M.A. (Ed.). (2021). The Social Determinants of Healthy Aging. Washington, DC: APHA Press
The book will serve as a field guide to public health professionals working in the field of aging. Coverage will include all major topics the aging population faces organized into five sections corresponding to the five major social determinants of health as described in the Healthy People 2020/WHO documents. The editors are developing a structured outline for all chapter authors, emphasizing both scholarship and real-world experience.
Peterson, C. B., Talmage, C A., & Knopf, R. C. (2020). Weaving Reflection, Action, and Knowledge Creation: A Cycle of Praxis for Community Development. In Phillips, R., Trevan, E., & Kraeger, P. (eds.), The Research Handbook on Community Development (pp. 12-23). Cheltanham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Community Development scholars have called for a more robust engagement of the interplay of values, practices, and knowledge creation (see e.g. Hustedde, 1998; Bergdall, 2003; Peterson &; Knopf, 2016; Talmage, Peterson &; Knopf, 2017; Westoby, 2016). The Cycle of Praxis for Community Development is a framework for facilitating catalytic reflection, action, and knowledge creation where critical consciousness and asset-based action are rhythms for empowerment. It is centered by the expression of felt needs and follows the interplay of four areas of focus: Experience; Learning; Reflection; Synthesis &; Planning; and Implementation &; Review. The purpose of the Cycle of Praxis is to accompany collaborators for learning and action while protecting the dignity of all who may be affected by the work being done. In the tradition of praxis-based approaches, it emphasizes personal experience as the basis for reflection (Freire, 1970/2012; Ledwith, 2011; Pstross, et al, 2017).
Guest, M.A. (2019) LGBT Loss & Grief. In B. Counselman-Carpenter, & A. Redcay (Eds.), Working with grief and traumatic loss: Theory, practice, personal self-care and reflection for clinicians (pp. 256-260). San Diego, CA: Cognella.
This chapter seeks to provide an overview of working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) who are experiencing grief and loss. The chapter is not meant to imply that the LGBT population is homogenous with the same belief systems, experiences, and support networks. Indeed, there are major differences even among LGBT populations. Instead, it is my hope you will see how identities intersect for those experiencing loss and the need to remain vigilant in your assumptions.