Picture of A mountain in the sunset

Donate to OLLI at ASU

Why give to OLLI at ASU?

Our members become part of a network that builds the kinds of relationships that define an exclusive, vibrant, and engaged learning community.

Your Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is a financially self-supporting program. Membership fees and endowment interest are our largest sources of revenue, but they still don't cover our full operating costs. We rely on the generosity of our members to keep the program thriving and affordable. Making a financial gift is one way to appreciate the impact OLLI has had on your life. Your gift will help ensure the long-term sustainability of the enriching educational and social programming that touches the lives of so many members. Your gift ensures that OLLI has:

  • the capacity to expand and adjust to changing needs
  • the ability to access great instructors
  • the staff to provide a high level of service for all members and instructors
  • the space and ability to serve lifelong learners
  • the resources to be innovative and entrepreneurial, whatever the economic climate

Please consider a gift to OLLI at a level that is comfortable for you. Your support matters and is greatly appreciated. Your gift to the institute is an investment that will help propel our success today - and into the future. Funds will be deposited with the ASU Foundation for specific use by OLLI at ASU. The ASU Foundation is an allied non-profit organization that enables contributions to be qualified as charitable contributions to the extent permissible as advised by your tax advisor. We thank you for your generous support!

Contact the ASU Foundation Team or OLLI staff with any questions.


Give for Today

  • Make a single donation of any amount.
  • Make an automatic monthly donation.
  • Make a multi-year pledge, with convenient payments to fit your budget.
  • Gift matching. Many companies match contributions for employees, their spouses and retirees.
  • For as little as $42 monthly or $500 annually, join our OLLI Giving Society for OLLI at ASU Society members enjoy benefits including by-invitation-only events, opportunities to meet with OLLI leadership and instructors, and more!
  • Sponsor a class. For $1,500.00 you can choose a class to sponsor. 

Give for Tomorrow

Wills, Trusts & Retirement Accounts
Gifts from your estate allow you to leave a financial legacy and will impact OLLI at ASU for years to come. One of the simplest ways to provide a charitable legacy is through your will or trust. Life insurance policies, investment accounts, and retirement accounts can also be used to create your charitable legacy. You select the specific amount or percentage, and you maintain the ability to change or revoke the gift throughout your lifetime. This option is the easiest and most flexible.

Donor Advised Funds (Reduce Taxes)
You can make a lasting impact at OLLI with gifts that provide significant tax benefits. You can direct gifts from existing Donor Advised Funds (DAF) which allows you to support multiple charities throughout the year with tax-deductible gift. Learn more. When planning your IRA withdrawal strategy, you can direct funds from an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) that benefit OLLI at ASU while reducing your tax burden. Learn more.

A charitable gift annuity allows you to transfer your cash or appreciated property to ASU in exchange for our promise to pay you fixed payments (with rates based on your age) for the rest of your life. 

Charitable Remainder Trusts
Establishing a charitable trust provides ASU with a sustainable gift, while allowing you to receive income and minimize taxes. Learn more about the possible benefits to you of Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts.

Thank you for your support!

A huge thank you to our OLLI donors! Your commitment to the future of OLLI at ASU is greatly appreciated. Based on our total membership for July 2021 through June 2022 we exceeded the expected donations. We project to have a significant increase in our membership this year and your continued support will be a huge benefit to our 2023 goals.


ASU Foundation Team


Torrie Young, Assistant Director of Development


(928) 701-3975 | Torrie.Young@asufoundation.org


Sarah Thoftne, Development Specialist


(530) 320-2483 | Sarah.Thoftne@asu.edu


Gifts can be mailed to:


Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions


Attn: Sarah Thoftne, Development Specialist


411 North Central Avenue, Suite 750, Mail Code 3520


Phoenix, AZ 85004-2163


*Note: Please make checks payable to “ASU Foundation” and include “OLLI donation” in the memo line.